November 21, 2014

Topics I Expect 2 Publish

Lectori Salutem,

1. Welcome to my first blog.
2. Thanks for visiting it.

Enjoying an early afternoon in NL now, I want to List some topics I have had on my mind, lately. For starters, I will publish an article every 2 weeks for a few months to come.

Please, bear with me if I can not.. I'll at least try to do "the full monty".


  • Solr/Lucene, an open source enterprise search platform
  • ...

Well, That's All Folks! Happy reading, blogging or whatever U feel comfortable with.

Have a nice weekend.


  1. I would love to read your blog on SchemaCrawler. Please let me know if I can answer any questions as you write it.

    1. Sualeh, thank you.

      I do have the SchemaCrawler topic in draft. Without disclosing it yet, would you please be so kind to first mail me the extra added value YOU would like to read about?

      SLÁINTE! Thom
